Leading Edge Electronics is Tasmania's leading distributor of premium quality prospector tools. We stock the largest range of prospecting equipment on the NW Coast of Tasmania. Our friendly staff are always here to help.
Treasure hunting
Discover the excitement of hunting for Relics & Treasure right here in Tassie! Using a metal detector to find a lost past.
Come in and see our large range of detectors in store. Talk to our knowledgeable staff. Discover your new hobby.
Unearth your new recreational activity. Some of the best areas have been set aside for the use of fossickers. Search for precious and semi-precious stones like Quartz, crocoite, topaz, sapphire and jade can be found scattered across the state.
Come in a see our large range of sieves and pans selected just for you.
Gold Detecting
This activity can be conducted in many locations around Tasmania by anyone with a prospecting licence. Prospecting means exploring for minerals to a depth of fewer than 2 metres below the surface of the Earth, or of any pre-existing excavation, using a hand-held instrument including metal detectors.
This recreational hobby has taken off in Tassie. We have the largest range of detectors in Tasmania.
Not sure what detector will do what you want?

Tasmanian Relic Recovery Society.
The Tasmanian Relic Recovery Society members are educated and trained in many techniques, thus allowing us to leave a place looking untouched and leaving no long term damage. For the peace of mind of our clients, We offer a signed document stating that all items found by T.R.R.S will be offered to the titled owner if they wish after the item has been researched and documented

Tassie Boys Prospecting Channel
Levi is an adventurer and gold prospector living in Tasmania. See his adventures and finds on his youtube channel.

Mineral Resources Tasmania
You can get your Prospecting Licence
from here. They have lots of resources
to help you find exactly what you are looking for.

For Fun
The Go-Finds has 3 models.
Go-Find 22, 44 & 66
Treasure Hunting
Vanquish 340, 440 & 540
EQUINOX 600, X-Terra Pro & Manticore
Gold monster

The serious
Pin Pointers
Pro-Find 15
Pro-Find 35
Gold Panning
We have a large range of Pans, classifiers & Sluices

Watch this space!